Using Open Educational Resources and Open Educational Practices for Teaching & Learning
The potential benefits of using open educational resources and practices (OER and OEP) are often considered in three areas: expanding access to education, enhancing pedagogy, and advancing equity. This session highlighted the renewed focus on open education within higher education post-COVID.
One year ago, UNESCO called on the global community to support the use of OER for “sharing learning and knowledge openly worldwide with a view to building more inclusive, sustainable and resilient Knowledge Societies”.
With a broad focus on care and collaboration, this session explored how the critical use of open practices can enhance teaching, learning and assessment for all. Links to relevant National Forum and other resources are available at
The presenter
Dr Catherine Cronin is Strategic Education Developer at Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education where her work focuses on critical approaches to digital and open education, spanning practice and policy. Involved in teaching, research and advocacy in higher education and in the community for over 30 years, Catherine is a regular contributor to conversations and collaborative projects in the area of open education, within Ireland and globally. You can find Catherine at @catherinecronin and