Panel discussion: How Open will change the world – but is the glass hall-full or half-empty?
A lot of progress has been made on our journey towards a world where Scholarship is Open by default. However, looking at the fact that still less than a third of literature is Open Access, that not even a global pandemic is sufficient to improve availability of research data, and that we still have a reproducibility crisis makes you wonder if the Open Scholarship glass is half full or half empty.
In this session, a panel of activists, funders and experts will discuss the progress of Open Scholarship initiatives and technology, assess major opportunities and achievements, but will also look at shortcomings and barriers in different aspects of Openness.
- Paola Masuzzo, developer, data scientist, and Open Science advocate, Ghent (Belgium)
- Stuart Lewis, Associate Director of Digital, National Library of Scotland
- John McHale, Established Professor of Economics and Executive Dean of the College of Business, Public Policy, and Law at NUI Galway
- Rob Gleasure, Associate Professor, Department of Digitalization, Copenhagen Business School
- Laura Mackey, Research Policy Fellow at Science Foundation Ireland
- Marion Boland,Scientific Programme Manager at Science Foundation Ireland
The discussion was moderated by
Eoin Cullina, Lecturer & Researcher in Business Information Systems GMIT.