Keynote at CELT18
Alastair Blyth is an architect and research analyst specialising in learning environments and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Architecture at the University of Westminster. A key theme of his work is how the physical environment supports the needs of learning and how to ‘reimagine’ the learning space. Alastair is the co-author of several OECD surveys and policy reviews, including Higher Education Spaces and Places for learning, innovation and knowledge exchange.
Alastair's keynote was titled 'Re-imagining Learning Spaces in Higher Education'. With more students, rapid technological change and digital innovation, pressure on funding, rising costs and changing education demand universities are being forced to rethink their space. It seems a contradiction to suggest that universities have to provide more space yet reduce the amount of it. This keynote presentation will consider some of the key global trends driving change in higher education, the consequences for the space we use and ask what might the university of the future look like?
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